Welcome to the long-delayed (and awaited) Wishingline Design Studio, Inc. 1.0 site. It’s been a long journey from original concept through revision after revision after revision to get to where we are right now. That being said, there’s still work to be done and bugs to fix and pieces otherwise missing or incomplete. These will all be attended to shortly.
For those interested, here’s a quick laundry list of some of the basic features of the site.
- Designed for 1280 pixel wide monitors. Yes, you heard me. It will display fine at 1024 though. Go big or go home.
- Search features use XMLHTTPRequest via the Bitflux Livesearch open-source process. This means that support for IE 5:mac and older versions of Explorer on Windows are broken. We are aware of this and are active researching a nice way to have those browsers degrade rather than throwing up JS exceptions.
- Some headings are styled using sIFR 2.0 to provide custom fonts where we would otherwise have to be producing large numbers of images and thus, reducing bandwidth requirements and providing better accessibility. It degrades silently in browsers which do not have Flash or who have Flash content blocked. More coming on this in future revisions.
- Check whether we’re online via the iChat widget in the main navigation bar. If the dot is green, we’re online, if not we’re away or offline.
- The site is built using CSS/XHTML and should be fully-validating. You can check using the links at the bottom of each page if you don’t believe us.
- A spiffy new Favicon.
- Category-based Portfolio content — view all projects or break-down by category.
So say you…
Were you one of the lucky ones to get an early shipped copy? I had been ho-humming (yes, it’s a verb) the upgrade, but the smart folders just sealed the deal…
Nope. Developer build. Still waiting on the GM. I’m guessing they’ll release it to us tomorrow so we get it at the same time as everyone else.
The Smart Folders, Spotlight, Dashboard and Automator did it for me. There’s lots of other niceties, but those 4 things really ‘rocked my socks off’.