While perhaps a few weeks late in making an official announcement, as of June 18th, 2007 Wishingline Design Studios (also commonly referred to as Wishingline) is no longer a going concern, at least in the eyes of the Canadian government.
This doesn’t mean we’re going anywhere though — oh no!, quite the opposite. In its place is the newly formed Wishingline Design Studio, Incorporated — now with all new super-seriousness, renewed vigor and more paperwork than you can shake a stick at.
For our clients, this doesn’t mean much aside from us having to make a few minor wording changes to our general business terms and conditions, and updating our stationery, estimates and invoices to reflect the name change. Everything else is business as usual. Same design insight and problem solving. Same creative drive. Same bad jokes. More paperwork.
Taking the leap to go from a sole proprietorship to incorporating the company (still operating as a private enterprise) was a big step and one which will be bringing other changes later this year including bringing on employee no. 2, a clearer, more focused direction and tuning the design services we offer to better differentiate Wishingline among the highly competitive design marketplace.
Incorporating is perhaps just the preface to chapter two of our story.
So say you…
Many congrats Scott. It’s good to hear that things are rolling along nice and strong for Wishingline.
Congrats. :)
Congrats, of course!
Damn, you guys are fast! The power of Twitter ;-) Who needs RSS anymore…
Scott, Congratulations. Can’t wait to see where Wishingline goes from here.
Congrats Scott! It’s about time you started taking over the world. :)
I’m curious though, employee #2? I thought newton was employee #2
Thanks all.
@mike - He was, but it’s pretty much time to replace him now that his job has become to hold up a few off the books in the office. So, I need a new #2.