Scott Boms

Widon’t for Mephisto

Taking a cue from Shaun Inman, author of the original implementation, and the fellow who wrote this handy Rails helper, I’ve put together a plugin for Mephisto providing a new text filter/tag to bring better typography to headlines, lists, and more.

In conjunction with this, I’ve created a new git repository and made the plugin available publicly so any updates are handled more easily, at least from my end. The initial release is now available by running:

ruby script/install script/plugin install git://

I’ve given the plugin some limited testing in an existing Mephisto install (running off a now slightly out of date build of Mephisto, later than the 0.7.3 release) with no problems noted. There’s nothing special in the plugin so it should work fine in 0.7.3 and higher. Of course, YMMV.