Scott Boms

To a “T”

On my flight home from Los Angeles (I was there for the fabulous Typecon conference — more on that later), I watched the documentary Beyond the Lighted Stage for what I think was the third time.

Always hopeful, yet discontent, he knows change isn’t permanent, but change is…

During one segment of the film, the filmmakers explore the period in which Rush were recording and promoting their landmark 1981 release, Moving Pictures. Through a part of that segment, the song “Tom Sawyer” played in the background.

For whatever reason, my brain latched onto those lines from the song and I realized that they so suscinctly sum up how I try to approach just about everything. As a designer, drummer, music enthusiast, and I hope, well-rounded human being, it’s exactly that which drives me to do over-extend myself in my own work — to hope for the best, to try to do more than I’m able — or at least think I am. To push myself and others toward new things and to never sit still for too long.