Scott Boms

A Year in Print

It’s amazing how quickly time flies by, how little things will quickly fill in the empty spaces between larger moments. The truth is — accelleration is accelerating.Now here we are at the end of 2016, more than a year since the last time I posted. I’ve been… ahem… occupied.

This brief snapshot of work from the Analog Lab in 2016 doesn’t cover everything — missing are the murals, installations, stickers, buttons, and other pieces of work that augmented projects. It also doesn’t represent all the events, classes, and workshops we coordinated, nor the many hundreds of people we interacted with or that became active participants in our endeavors.

My hope for 2017 is greater structure and focus — for which I’ve already started to lay the groundwork. More space for writing, making, experimenting and pushing myself further and into new territory while also brushing up on a few things that I’ve let slide due to other priorities.